This quiz aims at testing your basic knowledge of Python’s modules, loops and simple I/O. Don’t forget to push your answers to your remote repository by the end of quiz time. Push your quiz-6 file to quiz/6/ folder in your Github project. If you write your answers in Python scripts, put the script files in the same folder as well. If you feel uncertain about your answer, you can test your final codes on Jupyter or IPython command lines.

1.  Suppose you write a Python module, which you would also like to run it as a standalone Python code. If you wanted to make sure that some specific Python statements are executed only when the code is run a Python code (and not a module), you may recall from the lecture, that we had to use and if block like the following,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    <Python statements>

Briefly explain what this if block does and mean.

2.  Suppose you write a module named myModule, which contains the function myfunc. Now you import this module to another code.

(A) Write down the import statement that would enable you to use myfunc with name f instead.

(B) What would be the output of the following Python print statement,

import myModule as mm

3.  Suppose there are two lists of numbers,

even = [0,2,4,6,8]
odd = [1,3,5,7,9]

Write a one-line Python statement (list comprehension) that gives a list summ whose elements are the sum of the respective elements in the above two lists odd and even, that is,

In [37]: summ
Out[37]: [1, 5, 9, 13, 17]

(Hint: You can use zip function inside the list comprehension.)

4.  Consider the following for-loop,

mylist = list(range(0,10,2))
for item in mylist:

How many iterations does this for-loop perform before ending? Explain briefly why.
