Lecture 8-9: MATLAB - functions II & III

This lecture further explains the concept of functions and different of types of it in MATLAB. Useful link: Comprehensive MATLAB function list Lecture Videos This video is created solely as reference for the attendants of ICP2017F course at UT Austin....

Lecture 7: MATLAB - functions I

This lecture explains the concept of functions in programming, in particular in MATLAB. Lecture Videos This video is created solely as reference for the attendants of ICP2017F course at UT Austin. If you did not attend this class, then you...

Lecture 6: MATLAB - operators, branching, and control statements

This lecture explains some of the most widely used operators, as well as branching statements in MATLAB. Lecture Videos This video is created solely as reference for the attendants of ICP2017F course at UT Austin. If you did not attend...

Homework 3: Problems - structures, branching and functions in MATLAB

♣ Due Date: Monday Oct 30, 2017 9:00 AM. This homework aims at giving you some experience with structure types in MATLAB as well as branching and function concepts and their usage syntax. Write your MATLAB scripts with the corresponding...

Quiz 2: Solutions - Programming history, MATLAB variables

This is the solution to Quiz 2: Problems - Programming history, MATLAB variables. The following figure illustrates the grade distribution for this quiz. Maximum possible points is 1. (A) What is the closest programming language to machine code (i.e., binary...

Quiz 2: Problems - Programming history, MATLAB variables

This quiz aims at testing your general knowledge of programming history and MATLAB arrays. Don’t forget to push your answers to your remote repository by the end of quiz time. Push all your answers to quiz/2/ folder in your Github...

Homework 2: Solutions - Variables, Values, and Types

This is the solution to Homework 2: Problems - Variables, Values, and Types. The following figure illustrates the grade distribution for this homework. Maximum possible points is 1. ♣ Due Date: Monday Oct 2, 2017 9:00 AM. This homework aims...

Lecture 5: MATLAB - values, variables, types - II

This lecture further explains values and variables in MATLAB, as well as common MATLAB operators. For general information on MATLAB Data Types, see MATLAB manual. Lecture Videos This video is created solely as reference for the attendants of ICP2017F course...

Lecture 4: MATLAB - values, variables, types - I

This lecture aims at teaching you the how to of programming, difference between programming languages and the natural languages, the type of programming errors and the meaning code debugging how to perform simple arithmetic operations on the MATLAB command line....

Lecture 3: MATLAB for beginners

Goals: This lecture aims at providing an introduction to MATLAB programming for beginners, how to install it, different components of the Graphical Unit Interface of MATLAB, as well as how to perform simple arithmetic operations in MATLAB. Lecture Videos This...

Quiz 1: Solutions - Version control system

This is the solution to Quiz 1: Problems - Version control system. The following figure illustrates the grade distribution for this quiz. Maximum possible points is 1. Which of the following Git commands can add all the new and modified-existing...

Quiz 1: Problems - Version control system

This quiz aims at testing your basic knowledge of Git version control system. Don’t forget to push your answers to your remote repository by the end of quiz time. Push all your answers to quiz/1/ folder in your Github project....

Lecture 2: Programming history

This lecture aims at providing a brief history of the development of computers and computer programming languages and their mutual interaction with rapid developments in natural sciences in the 20th century. Lecture Videos This video is created solely as reference...

Homework 2: Problems - Variables, Values, and Types

♣ Due Date: Monday Oct 2, 2017 9:00 AM. This homework aims at giving you some experience with MATLAB variables. 1.  Type the following in the command window and submit the results. Briefy explain what each assignment does. >> a...

Homework 1: Solutions - Version Control Using Git and Github

This is the solution to Homework 1: Problems - Version Control Using Git and Github. The following figure illustrates the grade distribution for this homework. Maximum possible points, excluding bonus questions, is 1. Maximum possible points, including bonus questions, is...

Lecture 1: Advanced Git concepts

This lecture aims at providing a brief review of some advanced topics in Git Version Control System which are essential for effective management of large collaborative projects. A useful Git-cheatsheet link for future reference:   Advanced Git cheatsheet Lecture Videos...

Lecture 0: A professional programmer uses Version Control System (VCS)

This lecture aims at providing a brief review of Version Control Systems, why they are needed, how they work, and the most prominent and popular version control software that are available today for professional collaborative programming. Some useful links for...

Homework 1: Problems - Version Control Using Git and Github

♣ Due Date: Monday Sep 18, 2017 9:00 AM. This homework aims at giving you some experience on how to create Git branches, develop your project on multiple branches, merge them, resolve potential conflicts between different branches upon merging, and...

Announcement 1: Assessing your programming knowledge and interests

The goal of this survey is to assess your prior programming experience and to identify the favorite programming language of the class. Please fill out the following two survey questions, and submit them within 3 minutes. Survey results The following...

Announcement 0: Student-professor connection day

I have ordered cookies to be delivered to our first ICP class. We will try to get to know each other and I will attempt to describe my research work and educational background for you, as well as what we...