Replace any lowercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding uppercase English letter.
Replace any lowercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding uppercase English letter.
- Parameters
[in,out] | chr | : The input scalar or array of arbitrary rank of type character of kind any supported by the processor (e.g., SK, SKA, SKD , or SKU) of length 1 .
On output, any lowercase English letter will be replaced with the corresponding uppercase letter.
Possible calling interfaces ⛓
Replace any lowercase English alphabet in the input character with the corresponding uppercase Englis...
This module contains the uncommon and hardly representable ASCII characters as well as procedures for...
- See also
- setCharUpper
Example usage ⛓
9 character(
allocatable :: chr, StrVec(:)
11 type(display_type) :: disp
17 call disp%show( chr , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
18 call disp%show(
"call setCharUpper(chr)")
21 call disp%show( chr , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
27 call disp%show( chr , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
28 call disp%show(
"call setCharUpper(chr)")
31 call disp%show( chr , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
37 call disp%show( chr , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
38 call disp%show(
"call setCharUpper(chr)")
41 call disp%show( chr , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
44 StrVec
= [
' ']
47 call disp%show( StrVec , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
48 call disp%show(
"call setCharUpper(StrVec)")
51 call disp%show( StrVec , deliml
= SK_
"""" )
This is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
This is a generic method of the derived type display_type with pass attribute.
This module contains classes and procedures for input/output (IO) or generic display operations on st...
type(display_type) disp
This is a scalar module variable an object of type display_type for general display.
This module defines the relevant Fortran kind type-parameters frequently used in the ParaMonte librar...
integer, parameter IK
The default integer kind in the ParaMonte library: int32 in Fortran, c_int32_t in C-Fortran Interoper...
integer, parameter SK
The default character kind in the ParaMonte library: kind("a") in Fortran, c_char in C-Fortran Intero...
Generate and return an object of type display_type.
Example Unix compile command via Intel ifort
compiler ⛓
3ifort -fpp -standard-semantics -O3 -Wl,-rpath,../../../lib -I../../../inc main.F90 ../../../lib/libparamonte* -o main.exe
Example Windows Batch compile command via Intel ifort
compiler ⛓
2set PATH=..\..\..\lib;%PATH%
3ifort /fpp /standard-semantics /O3 /I:..\..\..\include main.F90 ..\..\..\lib\libparamonte*.lib /exe:main.exe
Example Unix / MinGW compile command via GNU gfortran
compiler ⛓
3gfortran -cpp -ffree-line-length-none -O3 -Wl,-rpath,../../../lib -I../../../inc main.F90 ../../../lib/libparamonte* -o main.exe
Example output ⛓
25call setCharUpper(StrVec)
- Test:
- test_pm_strASCII
Final Remarks ⛓
If you believe this algorithm or its documentation can be improved, we appreciate your contribution and help to edit this page's documentation and source file on GitHub.
For details on the naming abbreviations, see this page.
For details on the naming conventions, see this page.
This software is distributed under the MIT license with additional terms outlined below.
If you use any parts or concepts from this library to any extent, please acknowledge the usage by citing the relevant publications of the ParaMonte library.
If you regenerate any parts/ideas from this library in a programming environment other than those currently supported by this ParaMonte library (i.e., other than C, C++, Fortran, MATLAB, Python, R), please also ask the end users to cite this original ParaMonte library.
This software is available to the public under a highly permissive license.
Help us justify its continued development and maintenance by acknowledging its benefit to society, distributing it, and contributing to it.
- Copyright
- Computational Data Science Lab
- Author:
- Amir Shahmoradi, September 1, 2017, 12:00 AM, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), The University of Texas at Austin
Definition at line 3560 of file pm_strASCII.F90.