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ParaMonte: plain powerful parallel Monte Carlo library.
Copyright (C) 2012-present, The Computational Data Science Lab
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Why do we need to work with the logarithm of the mathematical objective functions?

Short Answer:
In optimization and Monte Carlo sampling problems, since the mathematical objective functions (e.g., probability density functions) can take extremely small or large values, we often work with their natural logarithms instead. This is the reason behind the naming convention used in the ParaMonte library for the user's objective functions: getLogFunc, implying that the user must provide a function that returns the natural logarithm of the target objective function.
Long Answer:
Why do we often prefer to work with the logarithm of functions in optimization and Monte Carlo sampling problems?
To find out, consider the following simple mathematical objective function getLogFunc_bad() that implements a 4-dimensional Standard MultiVariate Normal (MVN) distribution, whose generic Probability Density Function is given by the following equation (see also this Wikipedia article),

NDIM = 4; % the number of dimensions of the domain of the objective function
getLogFunc_bad = @(point) log( mvnpdf( point ... The point at which the PDF of the multivariate normal distribution is computed. THIS IS A COLUMN VECTOR.
, [-10.; 15.; 20.; 0.0] ... This is the mean of the multivariate normal distribution. THIS IS A COLUMN VECTOR.
, [ 1.0, .45, -.3, 0.0 ...
; .45, 1.0, 0.3, -.2 ...
; -.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.6 ...
; 0.0, -.2, 0.6, 1.0 ...
] ... This is the covariance of the multivariate normal distribution.
) ...
); % Note that the return value of getLogFunc must be always in natural logarithm.
Suppose we want to sample this MVN Probability Density Function (PDF) via the ParaMonte Monte Carlo simulation library. To do so, the ParaMonte library sampler routines will make repeated calls to this objective function that we have implmented in the above.
However, notice in the above implementation that we have suffixed the objective function with _bad. There are several good important reasons for such naming:
It is, therefore, important to implement a numerically efficient, fault-tolerant MVN PDF calculator that resolves all of the above concerns. This is possible if we take a second look at the equation for the MVN PDF in the above and try directly implement its logarithm as our computational objective function,
NDIM = 4; % the number of dimensions of the domain of the objective function
MEAN = [-10; 15.; 20.; 0.0]; % This is the mean of the multivariate normal (MVN) distribution. THIS IS A COLUMN VECTOR.
COVMAT = [ 1.0,.45,-.3,0.0 ...
; .45,1.0,0.3,-.2 ...
; -.3,0.3,1.0,0.6 ...
; 0.0,-.2,0.6,1.0 ...
]; % This is the covariance matrix of the MVN distribution.
INVCOV = inv(COVMAT); % This is the inverse of the covariance matrix of the MVN distribution.
MVN_COEF = NDIM * log( 1. / sqrt(2.*pi) ) + log( sqrt(det(INVCOV)) ); % This is the log of the coefficient used in the definition of the MVN.
getLogFuncStandard = @(point) MVN_COEF - 0.5 * ( dot((MEAN-point)', INVCOV * (MEAN-point)) ); % return the logarithm of the objective function: log(MVN)
Performance benchmark
Now, let's compare the performance of the two implementations getLogFunc_bad() and getLogFunc() in the above,
for i = 1:10000
getLogFunc_bad( [0.0; 0.0; 0.0; 0.0] );
Elapsed time is 0.224295 seconds.
for i = 1:10000
getLogFuncStandard( [0.0; 0.0; 0.0; 0.0] );
Elapsed time is 0.062433 seconds.
The good implementation is on average three to five times more efficient than the naive implementation of the objective function!
Fault tolerance
Now, let's compare the fault-tolerance of the two implementations by assigning large values to the elements of the input point array,
ans = -1.450276268751045e+08
ans = -Inf
Now, this may seem like being too meticulous, but, a good fault-tolerant implementation of the objective function is absolutely essential in Monte Carlo simulations, and this example objective function here is no exception. The -inf value that getLogFunc_bad() yields, will certainly lead to a severe catastrophic crash of a Monte Carlo simulation (You can try it with the ParaMonte library's ParaDRAM sampler at your own risk!).

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