The five different types of output files

Every successful ParaDRAM simulation generates (at least) 5 output files with the following suffixes,

  • _progress.txt
  • _report.txt
  • _sample.txt
  • _chain.txt or _chain.bin (for output chain files in binary format)
  • _restart.txt or _restart.bin (for output restart files in binary format)

Each of the output files is prefixed with the filename that the user provides via the simulation specification variable outputFileName as described here. If this variable is missing in the input specifications, the ParaDRAM routine will automatically generate a new random file name with a format similar to the following,


where _pid1 in the filenames implies that these files have been generated by the first processor/thread in the simulation, whether the simulation is in parallel or serial. See the documentation of the simulation specification outputFileName for a complete detailed description of the pattern of the randomly generated filename.

The output report file

Every ParaDRAM simulation generates an output report file whose name ends with _report.txt. This file contains all the details about the simulation setup in the following order,

  • the ParaDRAM banner and version specifications,
  • the specifications of the processor on which the current simulation is being performed,
  • the specifications of the current ParaDRAM simulation being performed along with their values and descriptions,
  • the relevant details about the simulation timing and performance, if the simulation finishes successfully, along with,
  • the statistics of the simulation results, and,
  • the final message: “Mission Accomplished.” indicating the successful ending of the simulation.

The output sample file

Every ParaDRAM simulation generates an output sample file whose name ends with _sample.txt. This is the final gem produced by the ParaDRAM sampler routine and contains a refined, decorrelated, independent and identically-distributed (i.i.d.) set of random states (points) sampled from the user-provided mathematical objective function. This file contains only two pieces of information,

  • sampleLogFunc – the value of the user-provided mathematical objective function at the currently-sampled state on each row of the file,
  • the sampled state – a row-wise vector of values that represents the current state that has been sampled. The variable names corresponding to each of these state values can be specified via the input specification attribute domainAxisName as described here.

Here is an example snippet from the contents of a typical ParaDRAM sample file,


The output progress file

Every ParaDRAM simulation generates an output progress file whose name ends with _progress.txt. This file contains realtime information about the runtime progress of the simulation, including,

  • information about the number of calls the ParaDRAM sampler makes to the user-provided mathematical objective function,
  • information about the overall efficiency of the ParaDRAM sampler,
  • information about the dynamic efficiency of the sampler over the past outputReportPeriod number of calls to the mathematical objective function,
  • information about the timing of the simulation including,
    • the time spent since the start of the simulation,
    • the time since the last progress report,
    • the estimated to finish the simulation.

Here is a snippet from the contents of a typical progress report file in Comma-Seperated-Values (CSV) format,


The output restart file

Every ParaDRAM simulation generates an output restart file whose name ends with either _restart.bin (the default suffix) or _restart.txt. When the file extension is .bin, the file’s contents are written in binary format. Although the binary format is NOT human-readable, it has several advantages to the human-readable ASCII-formatted file suffixed by _restart.txt. The format of the output restart file can be specified via the input specification variable outputRestartFileFormat described here.

The output restart file contains all the information needed to restart a simulation should runtime interruptions happen.

The output chain file

Every ParaDRAM simulation generates an output chain file whose name ends with either _chain.txt (the default suffix) or _chain.bin. When the file extension is .bin, the file has been generated in binary format and is unreadable to humans. The output chain file’s format can be specified via the input specification variable outputChainFileFormat described here.

The output chain file contains information about all of the useful, non-rejected calls that the ParaDRAM routine makes to the user-provided mathematical objective function during the simulation, including,

  • processID – the ID of the processor that has successfully sampled the current state (point) from the user-provided mathematical objective function,
  • delayedRejectionStage – the delayed-rejection stage at which the newly sampled state has been accepted,
  • meanAcceptanceRate – the mean acceptance rate of the sampler up to the newly-sampled state at a given row,
  • proposalAdaptation – the amount of adaptation performed on the sampler’s proposal distribution, which is a number between zero and one, with one indicating extreme adaptation being performed at that stage in the simulation on the proposal distribution and, a value of zero indicating absolutely no adaptation being performed since the last sampled state,
  • burninLocation – the runtime estimate of the number of sampled states (from the beginning of the simulation) that are potentially non-useful and must be discarded as the burnin period,
  • sampleWeight – the number of times each newly-sampled point is repeated in the Markov chain before the next candidate state is accepted,
  • sampleLogFunc – the value of the user-provided mathematical objective function at the currently-sampled state,
  • followed by a row-wise vector of values that represent the current state that has been sampled. The variable names corresponding to each of these state values can be specified via the input specification attribute domainAxisName as described here.

Here is an example snippet from the contents of a typical ParaDRAM chain file,


If you have any questions about the topics discussed on this page, feel free to ask in the comment section below, or raise an issue on the GitHub page of the library, or reach out to the ParaMonte library authors.