
On this website, you will find an online simulator of the Kmeans clustering technique.

  1. Visit this page and choose the first choice stating I’ll Chooose. You will be taken to a new page.
  2. On this new page, choose Smiley Face. Then, you will be taken to a another page where you see a set of points like a smiley face.
  3. You will notice that you have the choice of adding (specifying) as many cluster centers as you like. Using mouse clicks, specify (add) four cluster centers on your best guess for the cluster centers.
  4. Then, press Go! and then continue updating Centroids (cluster centers) until the cluster do not change visibly anymore (convergence to a set of clusters has occurred).
  5. Is the final set of clusters that you get satisfying?
  6. Take a screenshot of the clusters that you get and submit it with your homework.
  7. Repeat this procedure with a new random set of cluster centers.
  8. Do the resulting clusters look the same as you got before? Why?
  9. Take a screenshot of the clusters that you get and submit it with your homework.

Now, visit this website and choose the same option Smiley Face as before to perform DBSCAN clustering on the same Smiley Face data. Adjust the parameters such that the two eyes, mouth, and the face-circle each become separate clusters. Why is the DBSCAN clustering so much more successful than the Kmeans? Take a screenshot of the clustering result to submit with your homework.
