Consider the following set of Fortran module files:

(These files are actually part of the ParaMonte library). These modules depend on each other:

  • Math_mod uses Constants_mod and String_mod,
  • String_mod uses Constants_mod and JaggedArray_mod,
  • JaggedArray_mod uses Constants_mod,

Problem Part 1: calling the String_mod as a DLL


Write a main Fortran program that uses the String_mod compiled as an external DLL library file named string. The program calls the replaceStr() function in String_mod to replace "FORTRAN" with "Fortran" in the following sentence,

sentence = "FORTRAN is a highly flexible expressive natively-parallel programming language for numerical computing."

such that the output of the main program is the following,

Fortran, not FORTRAN, is a highly flexible expressive natively-parallel programming language for numerical computing.

Solution Part 1: calling the String_mod as a DLL


Here is an implementation of this Fortran main program,

program mainCallString

    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
    use String_mod, only: replaceStr
    implicit none
    character(:), allocatable :: sentence, sentenceModified

    sentence = "FORTRAN is a highly flexible expressive natively-parallel programming language for numerical computing."
    sentenceModified = replaceStr(string = sentence, search = "FORTRAN", substitute = "Fortran, not FORTRAN,") 

    write(output_unit,"(A)") sentenceModified

end program mainCallString

and here is a Windows Batch script to compile and link and generate the executable for this program

:: silence cmd output
@echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

REM del *.mod *.obj *.pdb *.ilk *.smod *.lib

:: set up the compiler flags

REM compiler flags to generate code in debug mode
REM SET OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=/debug:full /CB /Od /standard-semantics /Qinit:snan /Qdiag-error-limit:10 /debug-parameters:all /warn:all,nounused /warn:interfaces /traceback /check:all /check:stack /libs:dll /threads /dbglibs

REM compiler flags to generate fast code
SET OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=/O3 /Qipo /fpe:0 /standard-semantics

REM define the preprocessor flag to include the Intel specific directives to export the procedure names
set FPP_FLAGS=/fpp /define:DLL_ENABLED

REM DLL library flags
set LIB_FLAGS=/libs:dll /threads

echo. -- Build Script -         optimization flags: OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=!OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS!
echo. -- Build Script - Fortran preprocessor flags:          FPP_FLAGS=!FPP_FLAGS!
echo. -- Build Script -      Fortran library flags:          LIB_FLAGS=!LIB_FLAGS!

:: generate executable that uses the String module

REM generate the string dynamic (DLL) library

ifort /dll !LIB_FLAGS! !OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS! !FPP_FLAGS! Constants_mod.f90 JaggedArray_mod.f90 String_mod.f90 /exe:string

REM it is essential to pass the same compiler and library flags as the ones used for compiling the DLL

ifort !LIB_FLAGS! !OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS! mainCallString.f90 string.lib /exe:mainCallString.exe

Running this Batch script file on the Windows Intel command prompt, will create an executable named mainCallString.exe which can be called to print the requested message,

 -- Build Script -         optimization flags: OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=/O3 /Qipo /fpe:0 /standard-semantics
 -- Build Script - Fortran preprocessor flags:          FPP_FLAGS=/fpp /define:DLL_ENABLED
 -- Build Script -      Fortran library flags:          LIB_FLAGS=/libs:dll /threads

Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20190417
Copyright (C) 1985-2019 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.24.28314.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

   Creating library string.lib and object string.exp
Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20190417
Copyright (C) 1985-2019 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.24.28314.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Fortran, not FORTRAN, is a highly flexible expressive natively-parallel programming language for numerical computing.

Problem Part 2: calling the Matho_mod DLL which depends on String_mod DLL


Now, write a main Fortran program which calls the getDistanceSq() function of Math_mod from the math DLL (that you will have to build). Note that this Math_mod will depend on the string DLL file from the previous problem in the above.

Solution Part 2: calling the Matho_mod DLL which depends on String_mod DLL


Here is an implementation of this Fortran main program,

program mainCallMath

    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit, IK => int32, RK => real64
    use Math_mod, only: getDistanceSq
    implicit none
    integer(IK) :: ndim, i
    real(RK), allocatable :: point1(:), point2(:)
    real(RK) :: distanceSq

    ndim = 3_IK
    point1 = [ (0_IK, i = 1, ndim)]
    point2 = [ (i, i = 1, ndim)]

    ! call Math module from the math DLL library 

    distanceSq = getDistanceSq  ( nd = ndim &
                                , point1 = point1 &
                                , point2 = point2 &

end program mainCallMath

and here is a Windows Batch script to compile and link and generate the executable for this program

:: silence cmd output
@echo off

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

REM del *.mod *.obj *.pdb *.ilk *.smod *.lib

:: set up the compiler flags

REM compiler flags to generate code in debug mode
REM SET OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=/debug:full /CB /Od /standard-semantics /Qinit:snan /Qdiag-error-limit:10 /debug-parameters:all /warn:all,nounused /warn:interfaces /traceback /check:all /check:stack /libs:dll /threads /dbglibs

REM compiler flags to generate fast code
SET OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=/O3 /Qipo /fpe:0 /standard-semantics

REM define the preprocessor flag to include the Intel specific directives to export the procedure names
set FPP_FLAGS=/fpp /define:DLL_ENABLED

REM DLL library flags
set LIB_FLAGS=/libs:dll /threads

echo. -- Build Script -         optimization flags: OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=!OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS!
echo. -- Build Script - Fortran preprocessor flags:          FPP_FLAGS=!FPP_FLAGS!
echo. -- Build Script -      Fortran library flags:          LIB_FLAGS=!LIB_FLAGS!

:: generate executable that uses the Math module, which uses the String module

REM generate the math dynamic (DLL) library

ifort /dll !LIB_FLAGS! !OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS! !FPP_FLAGS! Constants_mod.f90 Math_mod.f90 string.lib /exe:math

REM it is essential to pass the same compiler and library flags as the ones used for compiling the DLL

ifort !LIB_FLAGS! !OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS! mainCallMath.f90 math.lib /exe:mainCallMath.exe

Running this Batch script file on the Windows Intel command prompt, will create an executable named mainCallMath.exe which can be called to print the requested message,

 -- Build Script -         optimization flags: OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS=/O3 /Qipo /fpe:0 /standard-semantics
 -- Build Script - Fortran preprocessor flags:          FPP_FLAGS=/fpp /define:DLL_ENABLED
 -- Build Script -      Fortran library flags:          LIB_FLAGS=/libs:dll /threads

Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20190417
Copyright (C) 1985-2019 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.24.28314.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

   Creating library math.lib and object math.exp
Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20190417
Copyright (C) 1985-2019 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.24.28314.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

The distance between the two 3-dimensional points is 14.00000000000000
