
Unlike The C/C++ programming languages, The Fortran language has native functions for matrix operations.
The most important of these is the matmul intrinsic function, which has inspired all other programming languages for the same functionality.
However, we can also implement a naive version of matrix multiplication in all languages.
Additionally, there are highly optimized parallel libraries that implement matrix multiplication for us.
Originally written in Fortran, these libraries are now known as BLAS and LAPACK libraries and different vendors offer different implementations of these libraries.
One of the most popular and optimized such implementations is offer by Intel through its Math Kernel Library (MKL).
The following program tests the performance of matrix multiplication approaches using a naive looping, intrinsic matmul, and finally an optimized BLAS implementation.

program matmul_benchmark

    use iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit, int64
    implicit none

    integer(int64) :: tic, toc
    real, allocatable :: matA(:,:), matB(:,:), matC(:,:)
    real :: rate, naiveTime, matmulTime, blasTime, dummy = 0.
    integer, parameter :: nrepeat = 2**17
    integer :: i, rank, irepeat

    write(*, "(*(g0,:,', '))") "matrixRank", "seconds_naive", "seconds_matmul", "seconds_blas"

    ! Loop over array sizes.
    do i = 1, 9

        rank = 2**i ! matrix rank.
        allocate(matA(rank, rank), matB(rank, rank), matC(rank, rank)) ! allocate memory for the matrices.

        ! Benchmark the naive matrix multiplication implementation.

        call reset(matA, matB, matC)
        call system_clock(tic, rate)
        do irepeat = 1, nrepeat / rank
            call setMatMul(matA, matB, matC)
        end do
        call system_clock(toc)
        naiveTime = (toc - tic) / rate / nrepeat
        dummy = dummy + sum(matC) + naiveTime ! dummy operation to prevent aggressive compiler optimizations each benchmark.

        ! Benchmark the intrinsic `matmul` matrix multiplication implementation.

        call reset(matA, matB, matC)
        call system_clock(tic, rate)
        do irepeat = 1, nrepeat / rank
            matC = matC + matmul(matA, matB)
        end do
        call system_clock(toc)
        matmulTime = (toc - tic) / rate / nrepeat
        dummy = dummy + sum(matC) + matmulTime ! dummy operation to prevent aggressive compiler optimizations each benchmark.

        ! Benchmark the intrinsic `matmul` matrix multiplication implementation.

        call reset(matA, matB, matC)
        call system_clock(tic, rate)
        do irepeat = 1, nrepeat / rank
            call sgemm  ( "N"           & ! transposition of matA.
                        , "N"           & ! transposition of matB.
                        , size(matA, 1) & ! the number of rows of `matA`.
                        , size(matB, 2) & ! the number of columns of `matB`.
                        , size(matA, 2) & ! the number of columns of `matA`.
                        , 1.            & ! the `alpha` coefficient of multiplication: C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C
                        , matA          & ! matrix matA.
                        , rank          & ! the leading dimension of matA.
                        , matB          & ! matrix matB.
                        , rank          & ! the leading dimension of matB.
                        , 1.            & ! the `beta` coefficient of multiplication: C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C
                        , matC          & ! matrix matC.
                        , rank          & ! the leading dimension of matC.
        end do
        call system_clock(toc)
        blasTime = (toc - tic) / rate / nrepeat
        dummy = dummy + sum(matC) + blasTime ! dummy operation to prevent aggressive compiler optimizations each benchmark.

        ! Report the timings.

        write(*, "(*(g0,:,', '))") rank, naiveTime, matmulTime, blasTime

        deallocate(matA, matB, matC)

    end do

    write(*, "(*(g0,:,', '))") dummy ! dummy operation to prevent aggressive compiler optimizations each benchmark.


    subroutine reset(matA, matB, matC)
        ! Reset and fill the matrices with random values in range [-.5, .5].
        real, intent(out) :: matA(:,:), matB(:,:), matC(:,:)
        call random_number(matA); matA = matA - 0.5
        call random_number(matB); matB = matB - 0.5
        call random_number(matC); matC = matC - 0.5

    pure subroutine setMatMul(matA, matB, matC)
        ! Update the input `matC` with the result of the matrix multiplication of `matA` with `matB`.
        real        , intent(in)    , contiguous    :: matA(:,:), matB(:,:)
        real        , intent(inout) , contiguous    :: matC(:,:)
        integer                                     :: i, j, k
        do concurrent(i = 1 : size(matA, 1), j = 1 : size(matB, 2))
            do k = 1, size(matA, 2)
                matC(i,j) = matC(i,j) + matA(i,k) * matB(k,j)
            end do
        end do


Download the above code as the file main.F90, then compile and run this program on your system.
To do so, first navigate to the folder containing this file in a shell environment, then,

  • If you are using Intel Fortran compiler on Windows, try the following command to compile and run it.
    First open an Intel command line environment (open Windows startup, then look for Intel oneAPI command prompt application).
    ifort main.F90 -O3 /F0x1000000000 /Qmkl:parallel /exe:main.exe
  • If you are using Intel Fortran compiler on Linux or macOS, try the following command to compile and run it.
    ifort -O3 main.F90 -lblas -o main.exe
